Saturday, August 1, 2009

Blogging and Tweeting

With so many blogging sites available how does anyone select a site to use? My past blogging experience has been with Edublogs and WordPress, both worked well. I had even started another blog on Edublogs, but wasn't thrilled with the name, wrote one post, and headed off into summer break.

After attending a Web 2.0 workshop I decided to give Blogger a go. I'm happy with the name, and I'm finding the site fairly easy to navigate. There is one problem...I can not find a gadget for feeding into my Twitter account. But after a really quick google, I found a load of Twitter tools to explore. I now have accounts with twitterfeed and twitpic. I'm hoping that by tweeting this blog I can contribute to Twitter instead of only reading.

This all got me to thinking...which blogging sites are most popular with librarians and how many of us are tweeting? I love adding to my reading list.



  1. Hi Pat,
    I saw your post on Islmanet and held onto to it so I could respond to you. I am also a librarian with a huge tech interest etc. and I have also just started blogging. My first blog is like yours a reading share with my students. I love how you tagged yours and would like to do that too as the posts grow. I am the LTC director at a K-8 public school so I started by targeting my 5-8 graders first. I also decided to start a second blog for the same reasons you did: I am still sort of feeling my way along but I would welcome any ideas you have. I am also on Twitter and I want to add Twitpic but haven't yet. It would be great to communicate since PLN is a real goal for me. I think I'll go find you on twitter now.

  2. PS Some of my favorite blogs I mention on Lebrisary2 and a few more are: Cornerstone Blog, Cool Cat Teacher, School Library Journal has it so you can pick and choose, Always Learning, iLearn technology, Doug Johnson writings.
