Sunday, September 13, 2015

se habla español

Well not really. I've have plenty of Spanish classes in college, but I am simply not comfortable speaking it. My students love it when I try, but I think its because they get to giggle at my efforts. What learning another has taught me is empathy for those trying to learn English. Most of my students are second language learners so I do my best to scaffold my lesson with lots of pictures, graphic organizers, sentence frames, etc. I also work with my bilingual teachers to provide the support they need to help my youngest students in their native language. We are currently working on our letter recognition in my phonics class, so after I developed the alphabet coloring pages, I thought I should do the same for my bilingual classes. If hope you have a use for them, or if not, pass them along to a colleague who does.

This will be a FREE download through the end of the year. Grab it from my TPT store while you can.

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